2013 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Legislation

**** Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones, have a host of applications:  law enforcement, land surveillance, wildlife tracking, search and rescue operations, disaster response, border patrol and photography among others. Many state legislatures are debating if and how UAS technology should be regulated, taking into account privacy concerns, the…

How Did The U.S. Fall So Far Behind On UAS Integration?

While it is no big revelation the FAA’s successive FAA administrators have been fiddling while the RPAS/UAS airspace integration Rome has burnt to the ground, but here we will examine how far ahead the rest of the world is and why? The graphic aptly illustrates who is leading the way and how the U.S. as…

Drone Loans: Customs and Border Protection Records 500 Predator Flights for Other Agencies

EFF Lawsuit Uncovers Abuse Of Surveillance Drones; DHS Files Motion To Suppress Further Transparency Customs & Border Protection released a new list to EFF this week that details the extensive number of times that the agency has flown its Predator drones on behalf of other agencies—500 flights in total over a three-year period. This list…

Oversight Board Adopts EPIC’s Recommendations in New FOIA Rule

In response to extensive comments submitted by Electronic Privacy Information Center: EPIC, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board has issued a final rule that will govern its Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, and Sunshine Act practices. The Board’s initial draft of the rule allowed the agency to encourage other agencies to classify information, reserved…

Domestic Drone Information Center

NACDL’s Domestic Drone Information Center aims to be a one-stop source of cutting-edge information on the proliferation of drones inside the United States. It collects news from leading publications across the nation; features a comprehensive listing of legislative developments; and contains sections devoted to relevant case law, government documents, scholarship, upcoming events, and data on…

Help Put A Stop To Warrantless Drones Spying On Americans

U.S. law enforcement is greatly expanding its use of domestic drones for surveillance. Routine aerial surveillance would profoundly change the character of public life in America. Rules must be put in place to ensure that we can enjoy the benefits of this new technology without bringing us closer to a “surveillance society” in which our…

Concerned Citizens on Drone Testing In San Diego County: Petition for Accountability and Transparency

Concerned Citizens on Drone Testing In San Diego County Petition for Accountability and Transparency We the Citizens of San Diego County in the State of California Require Federal and State Regulations Concerning Safety, Environmental Impact and the Protection of our Rights to Privacy. “We the People” of the State of California DID NOT ‘ENACT Bill…

San Diego Sheriff’s Department Fights To Keep Drone Facts A Secret

America’s expansion of domestic drones is becoming an issue of public discussion, but some don’t want it to be that way. The San Diego Sheriff’s Department is now under fire for not being forthcoming with the facts about its own plans for UAVs. The website Muckrock.com wants to know more about the San Diego, California…