Trump: Novice-in-Chief

The real problem is that Trump has such an absolutely tenuous connection to reality that he feels perfectly willing and able to lie about just about anything, even things that are trivially disproved.

Want to make land use sustainable? It’s a wicked problem!

All these scenarios and considerations led to a dizzying array of potential results. So the authors analyzed them in terms of pathways—if you prioritize food production and start down that pathway, does it preclude anything else? The answer is yes. “Simultaneous achievement of multiple targets is rare,” the authors conclude, “owing to the complexity of…

Considering Globalization’s Dark Side

If undeveloped countries come to believe that they no longer have future growth prospects due to the Third Industrial Revolution, they or their people may not accept such an outcome quietly. Much like Western voters, these nations may decide that today’s global economic framework is no longer acceptable and must be torn down.

Degrowth Politics and Policies for Degrowth

As a provocative minority and plural community, degrowth would die in internal conflicts and face political irrelevance if it were to present a full political proposal by setting out a coherent and complete set of policies for a new society. While degrowth may inspire a “new left” alternative to the extractivist and growth-led model of…

Occult Trajectories: Magic and modernity

The complexities of Aleister Crowley’s magical relationship with anhalonium lewinii Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947) had a complex relationship with drugs. Although his uses and abuses of drugs are now legendary, even notorious, his relationship with drugs was not purely recreational or simply hedonist. On the contrary, he thought himself a scientific experimenter of sorts.…