Fairfield Aerospace to Develop Command and Control Systems for UAVs

Fairfield Aerospace is making progress raising funds to develop a command and control system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles enabling them to fly in unsegregated airspace.

Unmanned droneFairfield Aerospace is making progress raising funds to develop a command and control system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles enabling them to fly in unsegregated airspace.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are now everywhere in the news, and the media speak of them as if they were already part of our daily life. That is because the commercial potential is considerable; the commercial UAV market is already large and is set to grow further, it is estimated to be worth between $55 billion – $62 billion per year by 2020 (Teal Group). Integrating UAVs into civilian airspace is expected to yield $82bn of economic benefits by 2025 if they could be certified to fly in unsegregated airspace.

However, to date, no Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) is able to operate legally in civilian airspace without severe restrictions including limited range and altitude. Fairfield Aerospace has developed a unique solution to allow the UAV…

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